New Features in Plexus 2:
- New Layers Object: Get Point Data from not just Point Lights, but also 3D Null Layers, Spot Lights and all 3D Layers in the composition. You can use 3D Tracking data directly without any expressions.
- Facets: Generate Facets between points and control its properties based on the distance between its vertices. You can use any lights in the composition to shade the Facets.
- Facet Effectors: Modify Position, Color and Rotation properties of Facets using Noise Effector,
Spherical Effector and Layer Map Effectors.
- Triangulation: Triangulate point clouds and reconstruct geometry from points automatically.
Control the properties of triangles based on the distance between vertices. Choose between Nearest Triangles, Outer Hull and Mesh Triangulation modes to achieve different types of Triangulation.
- Render Objects: Create multiple Render Objects to render multiple points/sprites/lines/facets
using the same vertex data and control them using groups.
- and more: Random Sprite Modes, Improved OBJ Support, 3D Beams, 3D Splines, Instances & Echo, Instance Containers (OBJ Containers), Time-Distance Smoothing, Intuitive Graph based UI, Adobe Illustrator Export, Experimental OpenGL Renderer with HQ Depth of Field